In The Beginning…

So sorry in advance if this is kinda messy, this is my first time blogging.

So where does every great story start, in the beginning.

Once ago when I was a teen, I was told having children would be hard. I kinda blew it off because I was just entering high school and having a baby was far off my mind. ANYWAYS, I went on with life and enjoyed being a kid. After graduating high school I started noticing that my periods were not coming, this went on for 10 months. I finally went to an OB/GYN who told me I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). He told me getting on birth control would help so when I was ready to have kids it would be easy (as if).

So a few years of trying different pill forms I went with an implant birth control (Nexplaon). After a few months, something felt off so I went back to my OB and he said it would take some time for my body to adjust. Well after countless calls and pleas he wouldn’t remove it. Finally, after ending up in the ER one day he took it out, but the damage was already done.

I met my husband in the early part of the summer of 2014. At first, we both agreed not to go after a relationship, at the time I had just got out of a bad long-term relationship. After a few months, we decided to hang out in person one night. After that, the rest is history. We got engaged after a few months of dating, but we didn’t get married until a year and a half later. We got married December of 2015.

Through the time my husband and I dated and were engaged we talked about having kids. I let him know in advance it wouldn’t be easy and he was on board from day one.

I started looking for a new OB since mine didn’t like to listen to me. I found the OB I have today and he is AMAZING!!! My husband and I met with him in January of 2016. I explained everything I was told and he was shocked. He started me on Metformin and had me try a few month natural (no medication). After monitoring me closely he decided to add Clomid. I respond good to Clomid but would get horrible cyst the longer I was on it. We did this for all of 2016.

So in January of 2017, we met back up with my OB and talked about increasing the amount of Clomid. We did the same routine as in 2016, until June of 2017. My husband and I found our self stressed with trying to start a family, keep it a secret from everyone, and from some serious family emergency that happens. We were stressed to where we didn’t know what we wanted. So we took a break.

After talking to my husband, I met with my OB and he suggested I see a specialist try IUI or IVF. I asked if we could do one more year of trying and then if all else fails I would see the specialist in 2019.

After thinking about it I slowly decided to start telling family and finally made it Instagram public on our journey.

As of today, I am on CD8 getting ready to go into “Fertility Week”. All I can do is pray and hope for the best.

I hope to keep learning and hopefully all of the information I get I will be able to give hope to someone just like me who was about to give up.


Here is what I don’t understand. People who hang out with the opposite sex knowing your spouse or signific others had an issue with them or they refuse to talk to your spouse.

I don’t have a problem being friends with the opposite sex. I am not trying to sound jealous or over-attached I’m just wondering how many others feel the same way?

In these particular issues, I have tried to reach out to the other person and be friends since she and he have been friends since childhood, but she has not made an effort. She didn’t even come to our wedding.

It just upsets me because I try and I do like everyone I meet but she just refuses. He is always jumping through hoops for her but it just makes me mad when he rather does stuff with her and won’t do the same things with me or do things with her that we use to do but won’t do now.

Should I keep trying to reach out? Should I put my foot down? Should I make him choose?

If I had a guy friend that was doing this to my husband I would put a stop to it. Nothing is more important than my family and my husband and anyone who tries to hurt my relationship with him isn’t really a friend and doesn’t deserve to be a friend of mine.

I am at my witts end and I just don’t know what to do. I feel like telling him not to hang out with her is just gonna make him want to hang out with her more. I know he is a grown man and he can do whatever he wants but when it comes to her I don’t know its just different and I question everything he does now.

Why is jealousy this bad? I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt our marriage but I feel like this does hurt us. I feel hurt that I am not being heard. I’m hurt that he doesn’t take my feelings into account. I’m hurt because he chooses her over me.

I just feel like going to her house knocking on her door and telling her we need to talk. I feel like if we could sit down and talk just the two of us I would feel better. Its just the way she calls him in the middle of the night asking for something and he jumps to it.

I just don’t know how to feel or what to do. Should I just let it go or push it more?

It makes my head and heart hurt just thinking about what to do. I don’t understand how he cannot see how uncomfortable I am when he talks or brings her up in a conversation.

What should I do?

New Me, New Goals, New Outlook


So we are into the second month of 2019 and I set some New Year Goals for myself and I am very proud to day I have stucked to it so far, and it hasnt been easy.

So I did goals instead of a resolution because I can never stick with a new year resolution for some reason. But, if I set goals for myself I accomplish them a lot better and I have a competiton with myself.

So my new year goals were:

1.) Lose as much weight as I can

2.) Go to the gym/do a workout everyday

3.) Do at lease 1 powerlifting meet

4.) Gain 10lb PR in each of my lifts

5.) Love myself more

So far I have stuck with a good diet right now as I am in off-season with powerlifting so I am taking the chance to lose as much weight as I can until I start preping for my meet (which I hope is in June)

I have to admit, this diet SUCKS! Everything looks and smells good that I cant have right now. Donuts, Pizza, Wings, even French Fries. I just imagin that my brocolli or salad is something I am craving and it kinda helps. But, I set these goals for myself and I am set to prove to myself I can do this.

With my powerlifting goals, these are something I am gonna work my butt off for. I have only been powerlifting for almost a year now and did my first meet in December and I still have a lot of learning to do but I am pretty good at it. I have missed doing something that gets me excited like powerlifting does. I use to play a wide varity of sports as a teen from softball, to track, even wrestling. But, when I graduated high school I cold never find something to fill that void until powerlifting was intoduced to me (thanks hubby).

I just keep telling myself that the end results will be worth the price I am paying now. I will crush my goals and will stick with it until the goal is complete.

Baby It’s Cold Outside…For Real

Ohio weather.

Usually, it can be up or down or all 4 seasons in one day!

Right now we are in an Ohio winter. We are getting ready to experience below freezing temperature and I am not ready for it.

For me, I love sleeping with a fan on and being cool but this is another level of cool. I will have to make sure to bundle up when I go outside just to let the dogs out.

So if you are like me that live in a state that will be affected by this cold weather here are some tips to survive this cold spell.

  • Let your faucet drip so your pipes don’t freeze
  • Use extra heaters to help warm your house up
  • Try not to open your outside doors up if you don’t have to
  • If your door is drafty, put a towel on the bottom to reduce draft
  • Stock up on water and non-perishable just in case of a power outage
  • Change your filter on your furnace

These are just a few tips. Also if you have elderly neighbors please check on them to make sure they are okay and not freezing. Don’t panic if something happens just calm down and make sure you have backup plans if something does happen. Please stay warm.


Drink hot coffee or tea. Bundle up.

Happy Anniversity!!!



Woo!!!! Party time!!!

Hard to believe a year ago I started blogging, Honestly, I thought I wouldn’t make it pass a week but here we are (even with some time off) I just feel like I can get on here and just vent and speak what is on my mind without having a million people ask me questions or want to start a debate with me.

My husband actually recommends I write in a journal but I decided to take it into the world and just see what happens. Well from it I am now writing blogs for My PMS Kits and hopefully, this will open more doors for me in the future. A lot has happened tho in the last year and I felt like I lost myself. So this time I will be blogging more, here and for PMS Kit and I will not be stressed out over things I cannot control. No reason to stress about something I don’t know when will happen.

For now, I will enjoy a good cup of tea (would rather have a piece of cake but diet won’t allow) and I will keep on blogging and bring you interesting stories and information!!

Peace, Love, and Caffeine!!

Living with PCOS


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem among women that causes an imbalance of hormones. It affects 10-15% of women ages 15-44, and I am one of them. Most of the women are often diagnosed between ages 20 and 30 when they are having trouble having children. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16 by an OB/GYN because I was over-weight and had irregular periods. I didn’t know then how much PCOS would affect my life as I got older.

I would have a few normal months of a ‘regular’ period but then I would go months without a period. Sometimes they can last a week, sometimes they are only a few days. As I got older I got more of the other symptoms of PCOS like hair in places where only men get hair like on my face, losing hair from my head, bad acne, and difficulty to lose weight. Often other symptoms are skin tags, weight gain, and darkening of the skin.

When I got into my 20’s I developed sleep apnea and high blood pressure that was all linked to my PCOS. My doctors could never explain how or why they were all connected but they were, and I could have more problems as I got older. Other health problems are Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Depression, Anxiety, and Endometrial Cancer.

The worse thing that I get with PCOS is a cyst that develops in my ovaries. I have spent many nights in pain at the ER with large cyst and there is really nothing they can do or give me besides something for the pain. I have had surgery to remove about 40 cysts called a laparoscopy. All they did was use a few small incisions and took them out.

Unfortunately that isn’t the magic cure. I still have PCOS and deal with a cyst on a regular basis. Unfortunately there is no cure to get rid of PCOS like there is for most things but there are some things you can do to help treat and improve your symptoms of PCOS. Some of the steps I do is working on losing weight by eating right and exercising as much as I can. I also take Metformin. Metformin is usually used to treat type 2 diabetes but some doctors think it can help with PCOS. It’s not FDA approved but doctors think using metformin for a few months could help restart ovulation which can help have a regular cycle. Also taking hormonal birth control can help make your cycles more regular, reduce your chance of endometrial cancer, help with acne and extra hair on your face or body.

Women who have PCOS can still get pregnant. I know for me I would like to have kids in the future so some ways I am helping my odds when that time comes is still weight loss. Also, there are medications doctors can give to help get pregnant like clomid. Also, IUI and IVF are options for women who want to have children who have PCOS. Also, there is a last resort surgery called ovarian drilling. The surgery restores ovulation but only for a few months.

No, I’m not a doctor so I can’t say that everything I go through is the only way PCOS affects everyone. PCOS affects everyone differently. Some women may have the same symptoms as me, some may not. Everything I have learned about PCOS has come from my own research and a lot of doctor appointments with my OB and my family doctor. There are several websites out there that you can go onto to learn more about PCOS.

I know for me I have a few friends who also have PCOS and we all talk to each other about our different symptoms and our struggles with it. PCOS has it own awareness month in September. Everyone knows someone whether it is someone’s mother, daughter, sister, friend, cousin, or niece who is affected by PCOS. The number one thing we can do is learn all we can about PCOS and help those effected by it.

My PMS Kit review

Hello people of the internet!

So I have been getting these kits for the past 3 months and I thought I would review them so others can experience the wonders of these amazing life savers!

They are called My PMS Kit!

The one is the photos is the tampon option. I get tampons, liners, makeup and beauty product, a cute bag, a essential oil necklace and a lot of amazing tea. Also a cute little note card with a tip during my period.

I don’t know about all you other ladies but I dread going to the supermarket and standing in front of the “lady products” and trying to decide what to get and how much to get. This takes all the guesswork out on what to grab and when.

This kit has been a lifesaver. The last 3 months I havent had to go to the store and get any products. I get plenty of tampons and never have to worry about running out.

The box is delivered to my door and I can set the date when I need the box so it arrives before my time of the month comes to visit.

The items that come in the box are wonderful also.

The tampons are from THISISL.COM. They are organic cotton and come in regular (the size I get) or super. The tampons are easy to use. I don’t have to worry about it sliding which is good for working out or on the go.

The liners are very thin but do hold up very good.

The tea is amazing. I am not a chocolate person so getting tea is amazing. The brand is organic and all the different kind is a good mix up so I can try different flavors.

The cute little bag is big enough to keep my items in but small enough to fit in my purse.

The necklace comes with different color disk so I can drop some oil on them to either calm me or if I need a pick me up.

The beauty products are always different and very good quality.

Overall this kit is amazing and worth the price. Also there are other options like pads, a diva cup and smaller kits if you don’t want everything and just need the main items.

The website for the kits is

You can’t go wrong with this!

You can do amazing things with coffee (or tea for me) and mascara!!


Been Awhile…

Hey fellow bloggers, sorry its been a while since you last heard from me. Life has been very crazy. So I’m gonna catch you up on a few things I have been doing. First and foremost, still no baby Turner. We both have had a lot of family issues going on so we felt like it would be in the best interest to just wait until things got calmed down a little. I started training for powerlifting last year and competed in my first meet ever and placed first in my weight class. My husband has been busy getting ready for the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH in March to compete. So since we are putting trying on hold I’m still going to blog but I will blog about my life, things I have tried (products) and really anything I feel like blogging about at the moment. I will be changing my blog name to Adventures with Queen B just so I can expand my outreach of people. So, for now, get ready to be flooded with new blogs coming out in 2019 hopefully once a week, maybe twice a week. Baby Dust To All!!!


Now I know what your thinking, this has nothing to do with infertility. I just want to mention some crazy dreams I have either about my infertility and the ones I have during my two-week wait. Usually, during the beginning of my cycle I have dreams of my future children. Either during a holiday or the birth of the child. In my dream, the image I get of my child always stays the same. The birth is always the same and feels so real to me, and the birth is always the same time, during Christmas. My mother always had a dream story to tell me when I had a dream of my future child. In her dream its always the same kids. Yes, I said kids as in two of them. She swears I will have twins but I have yet to have a dream about them. She can tell me in great detail what they look like how they sound and what they call her. Now as soon as I find out I ovulated or my fertility window closes my dreams do a 180. My dreams never make sense to me. They go from one extreme to the next. I could be getting chase by random people, to losing teeth, to riding a train. They never are the same and never anyone I know in them. I wake up trying to wrap my mind around the dream. I don’t know if it’s my mind telling me to relax more but I don’t realize how much I am stressing over the two-week wait. I have come to the conclusion that I shouldn’t read into the two-week wait dreams and try to find a way to relax my mind and body before I go to sleep at night to see if that helps with the crazy dreams I have. Baby Dust To All Woman Trying!!!


Today I want to talk about something I have been feeling a lot of lately, hope. Hope, according to Webster’s dictionary, is ‘to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or to be true.’ I have been feeling so much hope lately it’s on my mind 24/7 and so I decided to write a few things on why I have so much hope. So after my husband told me I needed to find different ways to de-stress myself I dove into meditation. Now I will admit I am horrible at staying in place for any amount of time but there is something about meditation that relaxes me and I just feel nothing. I’ve been doing some free trials of different apps until I can find the perfect one I enjoy. Also, I started my devotional I found on Amazon called ‘Anchored in Hope’ Devotionals for Infertility.’ There is a whole section on hope. I have enjoyed reading this nightly before I go to sleep. All the stories, the verses, I feel like the book is speaking to me. I highly recommend ordering this book, I will always refer back to this book for any time of doubt. So I guess what I am saying is that I am hopeful for the future. Even as I sit here typing this after a BFN pregnancy test I took this morning I still have hope for the future. I know with the right timing and hope, I will have my child my mother dreams of almost daily, the child my husband and I will love for the rest of our life. I have hope for every single one of you ladies who are in this infertility journey with me. I know it will happen to every single one of us, whether it is adoption, or carrying a child it will happen. Why? Because I have hope that everyone will be blessed with everything they want. Here are some bible verses that I turn to when I feel my hope is slipping away:       Psalm 62:5 NIV       Psalm 126:5 NIV       Lamentation 3:25 NIV

Baby Dust To All Women Trying!!!


I had my breaking point last week. I took my ovulation test during my ovulation window like always and it came negative. I cried. I cried hard and ugly. I was so angry with my body, with my ovaries, and with God. Why couldn’t I be like all of my siblings who got pregnant so easy and who had kids? Like all of these girls on tv who get pregnant as a teen. Why couldn’t my body do what a normal woman body should do? Why couldn’t my ovaries just produce eggs and meet up with my husband’s sperm to create life? Why does it have to be so hard? I screamed to God and asked why he wasn’t answering my prayers for a child. Why he wasn’t listening to me and all the other woman who pray for a child to hold. Why he would give children to people who hurt them or worse and not to someone who would love them with everything they have. My husband, my knight and shining armor, came to my rescue. He held me, let me cry and vent out all of my anger on him. He looked at me and said, ‘It will happen when we don’t expect it. It’s gonna be when we don’t plan it. You need to stop being so stressed out and relax a little.’ I wanted to tell him that relaxing wouldn’t help but I thought about it. I was stressing out when my temp wasn’t what I thought it should be. I was stressing out when my ovulation test was not positive on day 14 or 15. I was stressing when the pregnancy test came negative and my period came. I need to relax. I since then started looking into meditation, taking my frustrations out during my workouts and drinking more herbal tea (stress-free tea). I know I probably will still be sad on the period day and when I have a negative test but I will not stress out about them, I will find peace with it. Baby Dust To All Woman Trying!!!