Ovulation Week, How Not To Over Do-It

When I first started on this journey, my doctor gave me a paper. It had cycle days and what to do on each day. It would tell me what days to take Clomid, what days NOT to have sex, days to have sex, and how often to test with ovulation kits. At first, I thought, Ah this is going to be easy since my husband and I just got married and it’s all written out on what to do, its gonna be a piece of cake. Oh, Boy was I wrong. At first, my husband and I tried everything, syncing calendars, setting alarms. We were so overwhelmed that we messed up our whole plan.

After our first ovulation week, I sat on my bedroom floor and cried. I cried for the fact that we failed on our first time actually trying, failed to follow simple instructions, failed to stick to “the plan”. I went to do my blood work to make sure the Clomid did what it needed to do. The nurse saw I was upset (because I felt like a failure and knew the blood work would show) and she asked how long I had been trying. I told her a little of what was going on and she looked at me and gave me the best advice I still follow to this day, Don’t Over Do-It.

I’m pretty sure my face looked like she spoke a second language so she started to explain herself. She told me she had struggled to have children herself and after many doctors and 3 years, she talked to a fertility specialist who explained that she was stressing herself out and it was harming her. The doctor said she was overdoing it and needed to just have fun with it. Keep testing but when it comes out low or negative don’t dwell on it, try to find the good in something every day and just try to relax and de-stress your life. She told me after 2 months she actually became pregnant and has 2 healthy boys now.

I went home that night and actually started to think about what she said. I looked up information on how to take the stress out of my life and dipped my hand into yoga and meditation. I believe I will still become pregnant and I feel the ovulation week or ovulation window or however, you see it can be stressful, kill the mood, and makes you wanna give up. I’ve been there. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be angry. I still have my moments but I try not to stress on it. I have my moments but I pull myself together and keep pushing on.

Baby Dust To All Women Trying!!

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