In The Beginning…

So sorry in advance if this is kinda messy, this is my first time blogging.

So where does every great story start, in the beginning.

Once ago when I was a teen, I was told having children would be hard. I kinda blew it off because I was just entering high school and having a baby was far off my mind. ANYWAYS, I went on with life and enjoyed being a kid. After graduating high school I started noticing that my periods were not coming, this went on for 10 months. I finally went to an OB/GYN who told me I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). He told me getting on birth control would help so when I was ready to have kids it would be easy (as if).

So a few years of trying different pill forms I went with an implant birth control (Nexplaon). After a few months, something felt off so I went back to my OB and he said it would take some time for my body to adjust. Well after countless calls and pleas he wouldn’t remove it. Finally, after ending up in the ER one day he took it out, but the damage was already done.

I met my husband in the early part of the summer of 2014. At first, we both agreed not to go after a relationship, at the time I had just got out of a bad long-term relationship. After a few months, we decided to hang out in person one night. After that, the rest is history. We got engaged after a few months of dating, but we didn’t get married until a year and a half later. We got married December of 2015.

Through the time my husband and I dated and were engaged we talked about having kids. I let him know in advance it wouldn’t be easy and he was on board from day one.

I started looking for a new OB since mine didn’t like to listen to me. I found the OB I have today and he is AMAZING!!! My husband and I met with him in January of 2016. I explained everything I was told and he was shocked. He started me on Metformin and had me try a few month natural (no medication). After monitoring me closely he decided to add Clomid. I respond good to Clomid but would get horrible cyst the longer I was on it. We did this for all of 2016.

So in January of 2017, we met back up with my OB and talked about increasing the amount of Clomid. We did the same routine as in 2016, until June of 2017. My husband and I found our self stressed with trying to start a family, keep it a secret from everyone, and from some serious family emergency that happens. We were stressed to where we didn’t know what we wanted. So we took a break.

After talking to my husband, I met with my OB and he suggested I see a specialist try IUI or IVF. I asked if we could do one more year of trying and then if all else fails I would see the specialist in 2019.

After thinking about it I slowly decided to start telling family and finally made it Instagram public on our journey.

As of today, I am on CD8 getting ready to go into “Fertility Week”. All I can do is pray and hope for the best.

I hope to keep learning and hopefully all of the information I get I will be able to give hope to someone just like me who was about to give up.

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